Saturday, December 23, 2017

Samsung Galaxy S6 edge is getting the October security update too

Yesterday Samsung sent out an update for the Galaxy S6 edge+ which contains the October security patches for Android. And today the exact same thing is happening for the smaller S6 edge. This isnt the most timely of updates, considering that in just a few days Google will out the November security release for Android, but better late than never.

The update is going out to unlocked units of the Galaxy S6 edge in Europe. It brings with it patches for 68 Android vulnerabilities, but also some Samsung-specific fixes. These unfortunately havent been listed by the Korean company in the updates changelog, so we dont know what they are.

After having applied the new software, youll be on build version XXU4DPJH. As always, these things are being rolled out over-the-air in stages, so you may not have received the update notification yet. If thats the case and you want those fixes as soon as possible, then it may help to go to Settings > About device > Download Updates Manually.

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! ( hope useful)

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